Unit R-04, Marinascape Mall, Marina, Dubai, UAE


Facial contouring with dermal fillers

Facial contouring with dermal fillers

Contouring has been a popular term for many years. In the beauty industry, contouring generally refers to enhancing the appearance and shape of specific facial features. It usually refers to the cheekbones, but it can also be used to highlight the temples, nose, jawline, and even the forehead.

Contouring with makeup typically entails the application of darker and lighter cosmetics to create the appearance of shadows and highlights. While this method can be an excellent supplement to your existing bone structure, using dermal fillers to sculpt and shape specific facial areas allows you to rely less on makeup.

Dermal filler for cheek and temples

The mid-face is the most important area for facial contouring. This is why the cheeks and temples are referred to as the "anchors'' of the face; they determine the structure of the surrounding features. Dermal filler can lift the lower face and define the brows and eye area by restoring volume in the cheeks and temples. By treating the anchors, you can restore your youthful appearance and open up your entire face!

Cheek contouring with dermal fillers

Dermal fillers like Juvederm Voluma and Restylane Lyft are FDA-approved for cheek enhancement and can help you look younger. Non-surgical results can last up to two years. Dermal filler strategically placed in the midface can help to lift the areas around the mouth and jawline, as well as enhance the cheekbones.

Dermal fillers are an excellent way to make those cheekbones 'pop.'

Dermal filler for facial contouring can also help to restore facial balance. Filler can also correct asymmetry, which can be caused by genetics or environmental factors such as sleeping on one side of the face.

Jawline contouring with dermal fillers

Injectable dermal fillers are used by our rejuvenation specialists to add volume, symmetry, and reshape the jawline. A consultation to discuss your aesthetic goals and create your treatment plan is the first step in this fully customizable procedure. To alleviate any discomfort, a topical anesthetic will be applied prior to the injection. In a procedure that typically takes less than 20 minutes, your dermal filler specialist will then administer strategic injections to the jaw area.

Book your appointment with Drypskin to contour and enhance your facial features.
