Unit R-04, Marinascape Mall, Marina, Dubai, UAE

Threadlift Dubai

Face Thread Lift Dubai

A thread lift, also known as a "lunchtime lift," employs specialized threads to provide a tighter, more youthful appearance to the face and neck. This minimally invasive procedure works by stimulating collagen production in the skin to produce healthier, firmer skin.

Benefits of PDO Thread Lift Dubai

  • Results are immediate. Many people appreciate the fact that a thread lift produces almost instant results. As soon as your procedure is completed, you will have a tighter, more youthful-looking face
  • Thread lifts promote collagen production, resulting in younger-looking skin. Furthermore, the threads pull your face taut, eliminating wrinkles and giving you a smoother overall appearance. The threads reduce wrinkles and lines in the areas of your face where they are placed
  • There is no downtime. When you have regular facelift surgery, you can expect a lengthy recovery period. You can actually walk in for your procedure at lunchtime and meet up with friends for dinner the same day if you have a thread lift
  • Effective and risk-free
  • There is no visible scarring

Treatment areas with Thread Lift

  • Cheeks for contouring
  • PDO threads can be used to tighten the jaw line and improve jowls and marionette lines by being anchored just below the ear lobes
  • It can smooth out wrinkles between your brows, lift drooping brows, open up your eyes, and remove forehead lines
  • Nose for shaping

PDO threads use cutting-edge technology to provide soft, natural-looking thread lifting in a non-invasive procedure. The PDO thread lift is designed for effective facial rejuvenation without surgery, which means less downtime at a lower cost with lower risk and minimal aftercare, which is why it is used at drypSKin.



Are the results of a thread lift permanent?

Most thread lifts last for 18 months or longer, and once the effects wear off, you can schedule another treatment to keep your skin looking young and beautiful.

What is the downtime with threadlift

Patients can resume most of their daily activities after a thread lift, but strenuous physical activity and exercise should be avoided for about a week.

Pre and post treatment care required

Smoking and alcohol must be avoided for at least one week prior to the procedure. To avoid swelling after a thread lift, it is recommended that you sleep on your back.

Who is an ideal candidate for thread lift

People who want to avoid surgical procedures and postpone the onset of facial aging.

Are there any side effects for the treatment

Thread lifts are low-risk and minimally invasive procedures. Scarring, severe bruising, bleeding, or other complications are extremely unlikely following a thread lift.


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Unit R-04, Marinascape Mall, Marina, Dubai, UAE

