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Fix your gummy smile

Fix your gummy smile

Fix your gummy smile

How to Improve Your Gummy Smile Without Surgery

Do you believe you have a gummy smile? Do you believe you have too much gum? Smiles come in all shapes and sizes, but if you're unhappy with yours, a gummy smile can now be easily reduced without surgery. In some cases (depending on the cause of your gummy smile), a quick injection may suffice.

What exactly is a gummy smile?

A 'gummy smile' is one in which you show more gum than usual.

The smile line is used by dentists and cosmetic clinicians all over the world to assess the aesthetic appearance of a smile. Because both clinicians and lay people have similar preferences when it comes to judging smile aesthetics, this tool can be used as a universal standard.

When you smile, the smile line is the invisible line that connects the incisal edges of your anterior teeth. Consider it a virtual line that runs from one end of your teeth to the other; as the smile expands, the teeth become visible.

Smile lines are classified into three types: high smile lines, average smile lines, and low smile lines. People with gummy smiles have prominent smile lines that expose more gum area.

How much gum is too much? 

A high smile line is defined as anything greater than two millimeters. Most clinicians consider an average smile line to be the most 'ideal,' with the anterior teeth almost parallel to the upper border of the lower lip.

It is important to note, however, that the concept of 'ideal' and 'attractiveness' is a highly subjective one.

Is it necessary to correct my gummy smile?

Gummy smiles are common among celebrities. To name a few, Julia Roberts, Nicole Kidman, and Natalie Portman, not to mention a slew of K-Pop stars. Gummy smiles can be adorable, but they can also be distressing for some people. 

What can I do to get rid of a gummy smile?

To get rid of their gummy smiles, an increasing number of people are turning to non-surgical procedures such as Botox.

Anti-wrinkle injections can help you fix a gummy smile.

You've probably heard of Botox being used to smooth out wrinkles. This could be the ideal treatment for you if your gummy smile is caused by overactive muscles around the upper lip.

Anti-wrinkle injections to correct a gummy smile are safe and effective, according to studies, with high patient satisfaction. Results can be seen in 48 hours or 2 weeks, and the effects can last up to 12 months.

How does it work?

Botox and other anti-wrinkle injections relax your facial muscles. To treat a hyperactive upper lip, we first identify the correct muscle to treat (usually near the nose) and then use an anti-wrinkle injection to relax that muscle and reduce its ability to pull your lip up excessively.

The treatment can be as simple as two tiny pricks on each side of your face with the smallest amount of anti-wrinkle injection, depending on which muscle is treated. There is very little recovery time for this type of treatment. Many people immediately return to work or normal activities. Some people even combine gummy smile correction with 'lunch time' lip injections.

At Drypskin, we begin with the smallest dose possible. After two weeks, we will evaluate the effects on your lips and, if necessary, add another dose.

We've discovered that it doesn't take much to fix a gummy smile. Just one or two millimeters of lip position adjustment can make all the difference and may be all you need to achieve that perfect smile.

Lip fillers for gummy smile treatment

Dermal fillers or lip fillers are another option for correcting a gummy smile. We can plump up your upper lips and reduce the amount of gum visible by injecting dermal filler into them.

Lip fillers are one of the most popular treatments in the beauty industry, with many of our clients getting them to increase the volume of their lips.

If you have a gummy smile, we can use this method to thicken your lips and improve lip symmetry to reduce the 'gumminess.' Lip filler injections typically take about ten minutes and can last anywhere from six months to a year.
